GoDaddy discount

GoDaddy Discount on Domain Renewal

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Hello friends, hope you are healthy and good in this Covid-19 pandemic! Today we will talk about GoDaddy discount on domain renewal.

So now we talk on today’s topic, which is how to get a discount for the renewal of your domain. And how to renew a domain with GoDaddy discount without any coupon card.

So friends, when we get a new domain, then the domain you will get very cheap. Because when you buy the domain, it is already told that you are buying the domain, which is being available in such a low amount with a GoDaddy discount.

And the rate of its renewal when buying is very high! So to avoid the renewal which seems to be more money, either take it for two or three years only when you take it for the first time.

So before diving into the topic of how to save money on the GoDaddy domain renewal. You can also check how to make money online by visiting the latest posts on this blog.

If you are planning to purchase a new domain at cheap rates. You can visit on GoDaddy discount page. And if you don’t know what is domain, and how to create a blog. I recommend you to visit on this post – How to create a blog?

Step 1: Put all items in your cart.

First of all put all the items in your GoDaddy cart, like domain, SSL, hosting, etc. When I was trying to renew my domain which also included SSL certificate, Deluxe Linux hosting with cPenal and professional email, it was about $180. But when I applied this trick then I got a 30% discount on it.

As you can see in the shown image below.

GoDaddy discount

Step 2: call GoDaddy customer care center.

So, after putting all items on your shopping cart you need to call GoDaddy customer care number. You can find the customer care number by clicking on the “contact us” tab.

Then call customer care and ask them for some discount on your items. Which you already added to your cart. Request them for a higher discount.

Tell them that you already added the items in your shopping cart which you want to purchase or want to renew. Then the customer care agent will apply the discount on your items within 10 – 15 minutes.

After that, the customer care agent will tell you to complete your purchase within 24 hours or more. Then check your GoDaddy cart again and you can see the discounted rates.

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